

We are excited to host the 5th International Dragon Dreaming Confestival 2020 from the 22nd to the 25th of July. Due to the current world wide health crisis, this is the first time this gathering is happening online through Zoom to enable us all to connect to each other no matter where we are in the world.


The Confestival will happen as an online summit with a curated programme and lots of contributions from Dragon Dreamers worldwide. And it´s everything for free! Whether you´re a Dragon Dreaming Trainer, Trainee, Enthusiast or completely new to this philosophy and looking for inspiration, new ideas and connections to make a positive change in the world, the Dragon Dreaming Confestival is where you want to be.

Over the course of the 4 days, people will share their experiences and insights, host discussions, facilitate art interventions. We welcome you to join your fellow Dragon Dreamers, entrepreneurs, activists and advocates for change for a Confestival packed with Aha´s, ideas, interesting people, wonderful projects, Pinakarri´s, celebration and more.


Bring your curiosity, dreams, experiences and your excitement to our conference community so we can, togethere, dance with the uncertainties of our time and build the new world we so urgently need. Just check out the programme and join us for free!


Join us if…


    You are concerned about the future of our planet, communities and people. 

    You want to connect to fellow Dragon Dreaming practitioners and facilitators from across the globe

    You need a boost of inspiration, new insight and fresh ideas

    You want to explore with others old and new approaches within and around the Dragon Dreaming philosophy

    You want to learn about innovative solutions for our future

    You want to get infected with courage from inspiring pioneers

Be inspired, and join us to dream, plan, do and celebrate as one global Dragon Dreaming community!


Sign up here and to join the Dragon Dreaming network

The Programme (Timings are in CEST, UTC+2)

Day 1 - 22nd of July

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88311762430

Language: English

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: English

I have a project called Creative Resilience and one of the elements of it is an art-based dialogue about wellness and identity where participants make artwork based on a prompt and use it to dialogue about what wellness means to them and their communities.

Dialogue is usually thought of in terms of communicating ideas through words. In this dialogue, we will make artwork (and everyone has the ability to do this exercise) to explore our experiences of wellness and use the art to open dialogues with each other about wellness and resilience, both individual and communal.

About the Host: Chelvanaya Gabriel, a visual artivist, multimedia storyteller, resilience facilitator, and ecosocial architect. Some of the identities they carry through the universe are queer, black/poc, trans non-binary, and science nerd! Their mission in this life is to love and be loved through sharing stories in multiple formats and holding space for others to share theirs. Through decolonized contemplative practices they facilitate ways we can honor our inner ancestral wisdom and activate coalition-based community healing.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82108899834

Language: German

In der Projektarbeit (besonders in Krisenzeiten) ist es für die einzelnen Teammitglieder und für das Team als Ganzes hilfreich, wenn unser Nervensystem ausbalanciert, also im „grünen Bereich“ ist.
Unser Nervensystem ist dann in Balance zwischen Aktivierung und Ruhe - wir sind mit uns und unserem Körper, den Menschen um uns herum und der Welt sicher und gut in Kontakt. Damit sind wir offen für Beziehungen, lernfähig und wirksam.
In unserem Beitrag stellt Barbara kurz die Polyvagal-Theorie von Stephen Porges (https://www.stephenporges.com/) und die von Peter Levine entwickelte Methode Somatic Experiencing (ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz zur Traumalösung; https://www.somaticexperiencing.at) vor.
Anschließend laden wir zu praktischen Übungen für deine eigene (Projekt-)Arbeit ein.

About the Hosts:
Barbara Fereberger:
Klinische- und Gesundheitspsychologin im freier Praxis seit 2010, Traumatherapeutin nach Somatic Experiencing®, Qualifizierte Praktikerin der Grinberg-Methode®,Zertifiziert Yogalehrerin.
Mehr unter: http://barbarafereberger.at/ueber-mich/

Rainer Tiefenbacher: Sieben Jahre selbständiger Trainer und Berater für ganzheitliche und nachhaltige Projektentwicklung. Zwanzig Jahre Erfahrung als Experte, Berater und Führungskraft in nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen. Umfangreiche Erfahrung im Projektmanagement und der Strategieentwicklung. Nationale und Internationale Arbeitserfahrung (Deutschland, USA, Großbritannien, Ecuador, Kroatien, Slowakei, Rumänien und Serbien).

Was wir übereinander sagen: http://machtunsinn.org/#slide-2

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89037424509

Language: English

A lecture on what creativity is, its importance for life and how to develop it, developing as a human being.

How to leave the "comfort zone", how to explore the universe of infinite possibilities - the creative force of life - from a basic posture of non-judgment, openness, centered and in service. An opportunity to learn how our imagination works and simple techniques to develop creativity in all areas of life.

About the Host: Isabela Oliveira, who has been a professor at the Faculty of Communication for 24 years where she teaches the subject “Creativity in Advertising”. She is also a psychologist and family constellator.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: German

In Dragon Dreaming konzentrieren wir uns überwiegend auf unsere verheißungsvollen Träume und das angestrebte, bestmögliche Ergebnis für die Mitglieder eines Projekts.
In dieser Sitzung möchte ich die Bedeutung des "low dreams" (ein in der Prozessarbeit verwendeter Begriff) für den Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Projekts aufzeigen und diskutieren. 
Es scheint, dass wir, wenn wir nicht auch unsere Alpträume teilen und ihnen keinen Raum schaffen, dazu neigen, in ihnen gefangen zu sein, wenn die Zeit der Anfangseuphorie vorbei ist.

About the Host:
Ulrike Reimann

Prozessbegleiterin und Dragon Dreaming Trainerin.
Seit 2007 unterstütze ich Teams und Projekte mit Dragon Dreaming. 
Mein Hauptinteresse gilt der tiefen emotionalen Arbeit mit Gruppen und Gemeinschaften.
Mehr Informationen: www.emotionskultur.com


Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82108899834

Language: English

An interactive performance inspired by the Dragon Dreaming wheel

Theatre, and play are a poetical expression of being human, a creative act with which we could manifest social reality. In this interactive performance the Dragon Dreaming wheel allows us to explore the transformative potential of the current moment. Listening to the deep knowing of the body, to reimagine and enact new possibilities for self, community and world.

About the Host:
Uri Noy Meir
, who has trained with the world's leading experts in Theatre of the Oppressed, Dragon Dreaming and Social Presencing Theatre, and uses them as trans-formative ingredients with which to empower communities and individuals in diverse settings and contexts.
He believes the powers of the arts in growing and making visible our interconnectedness and as part of a global network of researchers he is sensing and iterating new pathways for awareness-based system change through the arts.
Uri trained with the founder of Dragon Dreaming, John Croft, and he is accompanying inspirational projects, social innovators and community leaders worldwide in applying it.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: Portuguese

O objectivo é dar a conhecer o modelo Diospyros de desenvolvimento Humano, uma matriz de compreensão dos nossos "superpoderes" e dos nossos desafios de crescimento, inspirado no I-Ching e adaptado a uma compreensão universal baseada nos arquétipos dos fenómenos da Natureza.
Os participantes da palestra serão convidados a contribuir com a sua intepretação da essência de cada fenómeno e a transpôr essa essência para os nossos padrões de comportamento, as nossas predisposições, as nossas capacidades excepcionais e as nossas áreas de dificuldade. Dessa forma, a apropriação do valor metafórico dos elementos e a sua aplicação nas pequenas decisões do dia-a-dia ficam mais fáceis.

Discover Diospyros, a totally new approach to Human Development inspired in a millennial reference from the ancient Chinese philosophy known as i-Ching.
Each of the eight Natural phenomena of i-Ching contain a set of essential traits that exist everywhere, including Humans.
Diospyros has been applied in all kinds of organizations, as a substitute for cold and dehumanized models of team management and performance assessment. Thats why it may be considered as an approach that is focused on the Human Regeneration of Organizations. Workers should no more be considered as expendable resources to be consumed until exhaustion. Work is a wonderful platform for growth

Paulo is a 52 years old psychologist that embraced the mission of making psychology accessible and useful for everybody. His use of methaphors help every single person to be in power when it comes to care for our emotional and spiritual health.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89037424509

Language: English

This will be an experiential session. Through playful exercises and careful examination of the way we make sense and give meaning to the world,
we explore the limitations of our day to day perception and a doorway into a dynamic way of perceiving and thinking.

John Croft often talks about the importance to be a 100% participant and a 100% observer. We will briefly explore the importance of becoming observers participating in the dynamic event of observation itself.
This is not just a question for science or philosophy, but for helping us understand our relationship to other people, to nature, to design, and especially important to understand ourselves as facilitators in group situations. In our role, with our limitations and our opportunities when working with others.

About the Host:
is an Austrian Dragon Dreaming trainer. Although he has spent more than 8 years in higher education and academia, (Environmental Management and Holistic Science ) the experiences that most form his approach as a professional, come from extended solitary periods in nature, his Goethe inspired studies of natural phenomena, working as a sports coach with physically impaired people and the collaborative projects he has concluded inside and outside the social entrepreneurial world. Through combining all of those experiences with project design approaches as well as practices of social and environmental activism, he´s shifting and building bridges between different worlds and different modes of attention.

Day 2 - 23rd of July

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89037424509

Language: English

A facilitated experience of the Work that Reconnects by Helene Fisher and Andrew Haskell

Awaken and strengthen your part in creating life-affirming cultures. The Work That Reconnects(WTR) provides a transformative experience that will empower you and your communities to move forward in your projects with insight and heart.

Both the Work That Reconnects and Dragon Dreaming are informed by the philosophy of Deep Ecology as well as by systems thinking, Gaia Theory, and spiritual traditions (especially Buddhist and indigenous teachings). Common to all of these is a non-linear view of reality, illuminating the mutuality at play in self-organizing systems. Deep Ecology asks deeper questions, inviting a fresh relationship with Earth that is based in wisdom inherent in the natural world.

WTR actively engages us in connecting with what matters most to us. It supports us to vulnerably face the challenges of our time with an open heart. Through our engagement in deep listening, ceremony, movement and exercises which awaken our imagination and creativity, we uncover valuable insights into our deep belonging – our interdependence. This steadies us in ways “more real than our fears and even our hopes” (Joanna Macy: Coming Back to Life p. xxiii).

Bring with you a pen and a journal.

Helene Fisher worked with John Croft in the early days of the evolution of the Dragon Dreaming project planning process and has co-facilitated a number of WTR workshops with him. Over the last 25 years, she has taken the Work into a range of settings, from schools to weekend and week-long retreats for adults, engaging environmental campaigners, permaculturists and teachers.

Andrew Haskell is a dynamic facilitator. Drawing on his personal experience in the wilds of the classroom, the bush and the human psyche he creatively cultivates wild connections with fur, root and claw. He is dedicated to the ecological awakening of humanity and does so through his work in education, eco-tourism and community building programs in Western Australia.


Celebration is one of the deepest personal and group processes to help a person revise him or herself and open up the possibilities to regenerate our communities.
Celebrations as feedback loops enable us to see what is emerging, to say what we think, to really do what we say and recognize what has been done. Through celebration it is possible to be within the process with open eyes, mind and heart to look at every aspect that is happening during the whole process.

This conversation will bring the perspective of Celebration within Dragon Dreaming and relate it with the projects, the individual and the feedback loops. Completing the process of the Dragon Dreaming wheel, reaching the final celebration quadrant, and making the dreams come true requires authentic responses connected with the environment; then a new cycle will open at another level as a spiral allowing new dreams to emerge. This feedback loop is the source of collective wisdom that is found in many self-organizing systems and, maybe, what makes life possible.

About the Host:
Lizandra is a Brazilian international trainer, expert in Neuroscience, Human Development and Integral Sustainability, and in Integrative Psychotherapy. She is a researcher of collective wisdom, currently completing her Master’s degree through Gaia University, in this field. She has long experience with groups and projects around the world. She believes that life is a gift and, by taking care of our own, we can enjoy this gift in the best possible way; a way that is only possible as we become aware of ourselves and our true place in the world.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89216639772

Language: Spanish

En febrero de 2020 realizamos el vídeo documental "MENSAJES DE LA TIERRA" (13 minutos), por medio del cuál los indígenas comparten sus visiones del mundo y sus CRISIS, queremos mostrar el video para abrir un DIÁLOGO SOBRE LAS SABIDURIAS INDÍGENAS VIVAS que contribuyen en este TURNO con INSPIRACIONES para la construcción en NOVA HUMANIDADE en la NOVA TIERRA..

Em fevereiro de 2020 fizemos o vídeo documentário "MENSAGENS DA TERRA" onde em 13 minutos os indígenas advertem a CRISES, queremos mostrar o vídeo para abrir um DIÁLOGO sobre as SABEDORIAS INDÍGENAS VIVAS que contribuem nesta VIRADA com INSPIRAÇÕES para a construção na NOVA HUMANIDADE na NOVA TERRA.

Los indígenas son fuente de INSPIRACIÓN para la construcción de la NUEVA HUMANIDAD en la NUEVA TIERRA; proponemos asistir un vídeo de 13 minutos para luego DIALOGAR sobre nuestro actual compromiso con los desafios.

About the Host:
Sebastian Gerlic.
Soy un promotor de la diversidad cultural y de la vida. Trabajo junto con indígenas a 20 años; produciendo comunicación para la CONSCIENCIA PLANETARIA - MADRE TIERRA - PACHAMAMA - GAIA. Hicimos 30 libros, 6 filmes y varias otras experiencias innovadoras que no están definidas en el diccionario extractivista.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: Spanish

Experiencia práctica: Aprendiendo a bailar con los dragones en cada situación hasta que emerja la satisfacción a nivel particular, grupal y global. Aprovechando los propios límites para poder ampliarlos sostenidos por el grupo como unidad. Las resistencias que nos surgen son pistas para que se desvele el Win Win Win. Herramientas: Pinakarri, sabidurías, auto-observación y comunicación.

Individuos que, pretendiendo ser lo menos particulares posibles, elijen mantenerse abiertos a estar disponibles a ver más y aprovechar las oportunidades para la auto-consciencia puesta en práctica.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83898143807

Language: English

This will be a reflective Zoom session to facilitate an attentive look into the prejudiced actions and patterns we may reproduce, strengthening the idea of celebration as recognition and transformation. To achieve that, we will have both group reflection and dialogues in breakout rooms through generative questions.

The collaborative world is willing to accept diversity and to propose the use of this diversity as key for processes to expand collective wisdom.

The question we pose is: in the collaborative and Dragon Dreaming world, are we free from prejudice (against gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, origin/nationality, language, religion etc) and from reproducing patriarchal or colonial patterns? This question is an invitation to reflect about ourselves, each of whom belongs to a historic context of different types of domination, is influenced and also influences the maintenance of this system.

From a perspective of recognition, we can open up opportunities for actions that are more coherent with the intentions of a more equitable, inclusive and indeed collaborative world. Once I recognize myself, I have the power to transform it. In a dialogue with the environment, how can I transform and have more coherent and less prejudiced actions?

About the Hosts:

LIZANDRA BARBUTO is a Brazilian international trainer, expert in Neuroscience, Human Development and Integral Sustainability, and in Integrative Psychotherapy. Using techniques such as meditation, self-observation and nature is a practice that supports the search for identity and awareness through emotion, mind and the body, toward authentic presence and freedom. She is a researcher of collective wisdom, currently completing her Master’s degree through Gaia University, in this field. She has long experience with groups and projects around the world.

AIRTON GREGÓRIO is a Brazilian educator and artist, holding a BA in International Relations. Over 13 years, he has taught and co-created distinct projects on intercultural and political education. His main research and practice interests are Decolonial studies, Non-Violent Communication and Dragon Dreaming.


Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: English

In Dragon Dreaming we focus on the „high dreams“, the envisioned, best possible outcome for the members of a project.
In this session I want to demonstrate and discuss the importance of the „low dream“ (a term used in process work“) for setting up a sustainable project. It seems, that when we don’t share also our nightmares and create space for them, we tend to be trapped in them, when the time of the honeymoon is over.

About the Host:
Ulrike Reimann
Facilitator and a Teachers Trainer of Dragon Dreaming. 
Since 2007 I have been supporting a range of teams and projects from Start-ups, NGOs, universities, to engineering teams in Airbus with Dragon Dreaming. In my work I apply also approaches of Nonviolent Communication, Theory U and especially Processwork.
My main interest is deep emotional work with groups and communities.
More information: emotionskultur.com

Day 3 - 24th of July

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83898143807

Language: English

Dragon Dreaming called my attention 10 years ago because it has the capacity to inspire people to make good actions. At the same time it created some confusion about how it developed. It instigated my curiosity to start the investigation to really understand from where and how it was developed.

After 8 years researching the theories that support Dragon Dreaming, researching the history by travelling to Australia and through the partnership with John Croft, it was possible to understand how Dragon Dreaming was born and how it has become what we know nowadays.
This presentation is a simple sharing of the Songline of Dragon Dreaming, one part of the complete research on this knowledge.

About the Host:
Lizandra Barbuto
Brazilian international trainer, expert in Neuroscience, Human Development and Integral Sustainability, and in Integrative Psychotherapy. She is a researcher of collective wisdom. She has long experience with groups and projects around the world. She believes that life is a gift and, by taking care of our own, we can enjoy this gift in the best possible way; a way that is only possible as we become aware of ourselves and our true place in the world.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89606493114

Language: English

I have a project called Creative Resilience and one of the elements of it is an art-based dialogue about wellness and identity where participants make artwork based on a prompt and use it to dialogue about what wellness means to them and their communities.

Dialogue is usually thought of in terms of communicating ideas through words. In this dialogue, we will make artwork (and everyone has the ability to do this exercise) to explore our experiences of wellness and use the art to open dialogues with each other about wellness and resilience, both individual and communal.

About the Host: Chelvanaya Gabriel, a visual artivist, multimedia storyteller, resilience facilitator, and ecosocial architect. Some of the identities they carry through the universe are queer, black/poc, trans non-binary, and science nerd! Their mission in this life is to love and be loved through sharing stories in multiple formats and holding space for others to share theirs. Through decolonized contemplative practices they facilitate ways we can honor our inner ancestral wisdom and activate coalition-based community healing.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: English

How can we built a vital and inspiring DD-community in our country?

What forms of organisation (sociocracy etc.) is there? Which platforms, tools and events do you use? What makes people engage and benefit of a win-win-culture? In this session we talk about our experiences and ahas, questions and errors of our local DD community building.

About the Host:
Ilona Koglin is Dragon Dreaming facilitor since 2013. She trained more 500 people in Dragon Dreaming and facilitated about 100 projects. Besides that she is active in the german speaking Dragon Dreaming community. She published the international Dragon Dreaming eBook together with John Croft and does Train-The-Trainers in Germany.

Location: Zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89216639772 

Language: English

Are there people who feel excluded in my group / project? What can we do, as a group, to move from denial or tolerance to celebrating difference and diversity? In this session, we propose a moment of reflection, dialogue and action so that groups are able to better include people who feel excluded in their projects. For that, we will use generative questions, share experiences and imagine solutions.

About the Hosts: AIRTON GREGÓRIO is a Brazilian educator and artist, holding a BA in International Relations. Over 13 years, he has taught languages and co-created distinct projects on intercultural and political education. His main research and practice interests are Decolonial studies, Non-Violent Communication and Dragon Dreaming.

ROGÉRIO MALVEIRA is a medical doctor with an integrative vision of the Human Being and social entrepreneur, whose mission is making health care easier and more accessible. He has studied health literacy and communication for 7 years. He has worked with Human Rights and Health, having facilitated learning processes for 9 years and shared Non-Violent Communication. He’s a Master’s candidate at the National Public Health School at Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86582886764

Language: English

el enlace de la reunión de hoy ha cambiado: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83641012447🙏🙏🙏


Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89037424509

Language: Spanish

Pequeñas prácticas para el Gran Cambio con Dragon Dreaming

el objetivo del taller es:
1) identificar y celebrar pequeñas practicas ya consolidadas tanto a nivel personal como nivel de nuestra comunidad (comercios, empresas...)
2) plantear pequeños retos que nos permitan mejorar nuestra cuidado personal, relacional/social y ambiental
3) ofrecer las claves para consolidar hábitos saludables por nuestro planeta a partir de la práctica continuada

About the Host:
Xavier estudió ingeniería informática. Durante su carrera profesional se enfocó en la mejora de la experiencia de uso en el ámbito de la comunicación en internet. Es trainer en el diseño de proyectos creativos, colaborativos y regenerativos con Dragon Dreaming y entusiasta en la creación de material didáctico (guías, vídeos, mapas mentales…) de soporte a los talleres que ofrece. Su propósito vital es aprender y compartir aprendizajes de forma simple y divertida mediante el pensamiento visual y los relatos.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: English

I’m a professional mermaid, using my mermaid persona to teach about climate justice. I’d like to lead a lecture/workshop on how to use magic and whimsey to connect with climate justice activists. How to bring light to and otherwise heavy subject.

About the Host:
Jinx Kelly
I am an entertainer, professional mermaid, film producer, a climate justice activist, and storyteller. I worked in veterinary medicine for several years. I am now pursuing my 72- Hour Permaculture Design Certificate from the Women's Permaculture Guild and a degree in Eco-Social Regenerative Design from Gaia University.
I have been a Climate Leader with the Climate Reality Leadership Corps. since 2018. I earned my NAUI Specialty Dive Mermaid Level 1 Certification in 2018 in La Paz, California Big Sur, Mexico.
In 2019, I participated in Ocean Ranger Training with the Inland Ocean Coalition and helped provide mermaid entertainment for their annual fundraiser. I also completed the What Would Nature Do? program with boulder.earth—a hands-on course exploring the intersection between Permaculture Design and Theory U.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82097088385

Language: English

We’ll tell the story of our Dragon Dreaming NYC work, from June 2019 through June 2020, in building our team and bringing Dragon Dreaming to America.

We’ll introduce our Dragon Dreaming NYC team members and their contributions to our team dream of bring Dragon Dreaming to America.

About the Hosts:

Renato, from Brazil, founder of Nossa Cidade, now living in NYC, has attended Dragon Dreaming trainings and workshops, and had our team’s seed dream of bringing Dragon Dreaming to America.

Some of our most active team members are: -Lynda Fong, Renato’s wife, who keeps us organized
-Svetlana Zobolotnaia, from Moldova, whose interests are education, Non-Violent Communications, and Family Constellation
-Kati Carrapa from Germany, who has a great sense of humor
-Jill Olesker, who is a Storyteller
-Lisa, who is a published poet and member of Extinction Rebellion
-Alan, who is has been activist and social change theorist

Day 4 - 25th of July

Entering a creative dialogue with the creator of Dragon Dreaming

Language: English
Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83898143807

Location: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89037424509

Language: Spanish

Los invitamos a caminar acompañados, aprendiendo de la incertidumbre para desarrollar nuevos lenguajes que nos resignifiquen. Camino a Cusco es una experiencia colectiva que danza con diversas metodologías sociales abriendo espacio a nuevas narrativas.
Compartiremos experiencia y prácticas.

About the Hosts:

RAQUEL CANCELA - Profesora de literatura, Educadora, Supervisora de proyectos socioeducativos, facilitadora de procesos integrales (certificada en Facilitación Integral), entrenadora Dragon Dreaming, integrante de la red Latinoamericana de Teatro de Presencia Social (Teoría U), consultora y promotora de proyectos sociales y colaborativos, buscadora incansable de nuevas maneras de crecer y vivir en comunidad.

VIVIANA GALDAMÉS - Actriz, bailarina, magíster en pedagogía teatral, coach ontológica, facilitadora, fundadora de Coincidir, plataforma donde coinciden personas, metodologías y mundos. Practicante avanzada de TPS y acompañante del equipo de Otto Scharmer en el GAIA journey 2020. Curiosa exploradora de nuevos lenguajes.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82413982082

Language: English

I'd love to come together with other Dragon Dreaming Trainers and exchange and celebrate our greatest AHAs from the application of DD in practice from the past years. I'd love to have a conversation about the true contribution of Dragon Dreaming to projects, and also potentially come up with new wordings on how to share/ explain Dragon Dreaming to the world.

About the Host:
Manuela Bosch is a Berlin, Germany based community organizer, collaboration researcher and organizational consultant. She is passionately sharing Dragon Dreaming since 2011 and has been engaged in the international community in various ways. The basis of her work is a deep exploration of the relationship between self-realization and the manifestation of our dreams and visions in collaborative projects for social change. She seeks to integrate shamanism with activism as well as embodiment with organizational design – in offices, nature and the digital realms. manuelabosch.de


Language: English

In this session you will learn about the concept of the book, you are invited to give feedback, and network and exchange with other Dragon Dreamers.

You are invited to contribute to the planned book: best practise, exciting variations of the methods and helpful additions and extensions. We dearly wish that the book reflects the current state of the art of the worldwide Dragon Dreaming community. A publishing house is already found. The book will initially be published in German

About the Host:
Manuela Bosch is a Berlin, Germany based community organizer, collaboration researcher and organizational consultant. She is passionately sharing Dragon Dreaming since 2011 and has been engaged in the international community in various ways. The basis of her work is a deep exploration of the relationship between self-realization and the manifestation of our dreams and visions in collaborative projects for social change. She seeks to integrate shamanism with activism as well as embodiment with organizational design – in offices, nature and the digital realms. manuelabosch.de

Ilona Koglin
 is dragon dreaming facilitor since 2013. She trained more 500 people in Dragon Dreaming and facilitated about 100 projects. Besides that she is active in the german speaking Dragon Dreaming community. She published the international Dragon Dreaming eBook together with John Croft and does Train-The-Trainers in Germany.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83641012447

Language: English

O objectivo é dar a conhecer o modelo Diospyros de desenvolvimento Humano, uma matriz de compreensão dos nossos "superpoderes" e dos nossos desafios de crescimento, inspirado no I-Ching e adaptado a uma compreensão universal baseada nos arquétipos dos fenómenos da Natureza.
Os participantes da palestra serão convidados a contribuir com a sua intepretação da essência de cada fenómeno e a transpôr essa essência para os nossos padrões de comportamento, as nossas predisposições, as nossas capacidades excepcionais e as nossas áreas de dificuldade. Dessa forma, a apropriação do valor metafórico dos elementos e a sua aplicação nas pequenas decisões do dia-a-dia ficam mais fáceis.

Discover Diospyros, a totally new approach to Human Development inspired in a millennial reference from the ancient Chinese philosophy known as i-Ching.
Each of the eight Natural phenomena of i-Ching contain a set of essential traits that exist everywhere, including Humans.
Diospyros has been applied in all kinds of organizations, as a substitute for cold and dehumanized models of team management and performance assessment. Thats why it may be considered as an approach that is focused on the Human Regeneration of Organizations. Workers should no more be considered as expendable resources to be consumed until exhaustion. Work is a wonderful platform for growth

Paulo is a 52 years old psychologist that embraced the mission of making psychology accessible and useful for everybody. His use of methaphors help every single person to be in power when it comes to care for our emotional and spiritual health.

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89037424509

Language: Portuguese

Day 5 - 26th of July

Location: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89812398640

Language: English

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